ZONE OF THE ENDERS: The Unofficial Site

ZOE2 0 shift vs Teleport
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Author:  Raziel Paragorne [ Tue Mar 29, 2011 2:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ZOE2 0 shift vs Teleport

Actually my understanding was that the 0-Shift used the same principle as the Urenbeck catapult. The frame's vector traps compress the space immediately around the frame and then release which propels the object forward (same idea as Gauss, force pushing equally on all sides forcing the object in the centre forward at a high velocity). That was at least partially backed up by the animation Jehuty goes through when it shifts, the area around it distorts briefly before it flies forward.

Come to think of it though I don't remember where I read that so I'll bow down to authorial content on this.

Author:  sw241819 [ Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ZOE2 0 shift vs Teleport

Sorry for you to have been confused. Both Jehuty and Anubis both use zero shift. But people prefer to call Anubis' teleport because it is different to the way Jehuty uses zero shift. And Anubis' seems more like a teleport. But they both compress the space and move at sublight speed to create the illusion of teleportation. But Anubis and Jehutys are both different. Don't know why but Anubis is invincible but slower than Jehutys and Jehuty is faster but can be hit. I think the difference is Anubis is using his vector trap to compress himself to move, but Jehuty's is like the urenbeck catapult or has come from that as it launches Jehuty and damages the enemy. This is why I think they are both different. You cannot hurt Anubis because he is in his own vector trap, that is why you can see the distortion of him moving and why it is a bit slower to go in and out of. And Jehuty does not use his vector trap because Jehuty's vector trap gets damaged but it can still use zero shift in the game as a sub weapon and explains why it is much faster and that you can get hit. So the reason why they are both deifferent is Anubis' zero shift is associated with using the vector trap and Jehuty's is a sub weapon in the system associated with the urenbeck catapult. I think they are
both subweapons but associated with different things. So that is whay they are both different and so we call Anubis' teleport. Sorry for the long post and I hope this helped all of you! XD


(my opinion)

Author:  Mac[A] [ Wed May 11, 2011 9:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ZOE2 0 shift vs Teleport

Well, I think they both use the same technique. It's simply that because we use Jehuty, we see things differently. Why is Anubis "teleporting" like crazy? To me it is simply Nohman's style. It gives Anubis that omnipotent-being feel. It makes it feel like Anubis is something way above human standards.
Basically when you see Anubis you shit yourself, and that's what Nohman wants.

Author:  volrath77 [ Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ZOE2 0 shift vs Teleport

Both Anubis and Jehuty use 0-Shift. This is canon. The difference between the two most likely lies with the number of vector traps available to each machine. Anubis has 6 vector trap generators (yes...6. Those wings aren't just for show) whereas Jehuty has only 1 confirmed vector trap that we know so far (although it is possible that the 3 options when 0-Shift was activated are also vector trap generators).

The number of vector traps available to Anubis probably allows it for more fine tuning of the spatial compression mechanics of 0-Shift.

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