ZONE OF THE ENDERS: The Unofficial Site

Freedom Project: Orbital Frame Apophis
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Author:  Mac[A] [ Wed Dec 15, 2010 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Freedom Project: Orbital Frame Apophis


Orbital Frame Apophis
Technical specs:
Frame Runner:



Okay, after that pretty weird introduction, let me explain ^^.

Freedom Project is basically BAHRAM's resurrection. When Nohman took over BAHRAM, he forced everyone to join him, whether they agreed with him or not. Still, some of his opponents managed to escape. They were definitely against BAHRAM's new leader, but definitely determined to free Mars from Earth influence, that's why they didn't join UNSF.
They had to hide for a long time because of Nohman's growing influence. But after the 2nd runner's events, Nohman is no more. Thanks to that, all these people exhiled from BAHRAM where able to retake their place in the rebellion. During all these years, they were enable to get any supply to even start thinking about fighting back. But they still had their brains. And they were damn good.
Using some data stolen during their escape, they started a new project: Freedom Project. As its name implies, its main objective is to provide Mars with the means to free itself from Earth. The first result of the Project was Orbital Frame J... CLASSIFIED

That's it, first part of the story and first pics of the Frame =D!

(PS: the frame is still a WIP... and some parts are missing on the pics. I don't want to spoil everything XD)

Author:  helldiver450 [ Wed Dec 15, 2010 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Freedom Project: Orbital Frame Apophis


Hurry up making this thing! I want to add it to ZOEOA *_*

I'd love to find out what kind of special ani. script it uses for its attacks.
Though I can't help but think about this:

It looks like a fusion of Evangelion, Rahxephon, and Jehuty into one fractal masterpiece.
The detail on it is comparable to "The Answerer" from Armored core 4.

I WANT IT!!! It could go fine next to Zetus and Chaos.

Author:  helldiver450 [ Wed Dec 15, 2010 10:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Freedom Project: Orbital Frame Apophis

Though here's a little bit of advice:

avoid making the cockpit sticking forward too much. Make it lower so as though it were part of a skirt(like Gundams). Make it blend in with the design and try to make it streamlined. Otherwise that thing will stick out like a sore thumb and annoy the viewers/audience.
But other than that your frame looks very fancy.

BTW, do I see a Gundam-looking head? Could this be the first ZOE Gundam ever besides Gundam 00 Exia?

Author:  bleant [ Thu Dec 16, 2010 5:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Freedom Project: Orbital Frame Apophis

Whoa! Really darn good, i'm impressed, and i agree with HellDiver up there.

I'm rather scared of this in ZOEOA, is it high poly?

And, another thing, will it blen... err, i mean, how does it fly?

Author:  Mac[A] [ Thu Dec 16, 2010 7:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Freedom Project: Orbital Frame Apophis

Thanks guys!

Yep Helldiver, I made a mecha pics folder made a huge slide show, and only after that I started to make the OF ^^. That's my technique to get inspiration from other existing mechs.

For the cockpit, I'll try to tweak it a bit more, to make it look like Anubis', sort of. Thanks!

I'd love to share it right now, but it's definitely not ready. Too many details are wrong to me. Expect a facelift for the final release (for the dragon head thing -because yes that's a dragon ^^").

bleant: thanks again! But sadly, it won't look that good in ZOEOA simply because the engine is unable to generate such awesome light effects.
I won't lie, the mod is a bit high poly. But when I'm done, if you or anyone else can't play with the frame at decent speed, I'll make a low poly version.

How does it fly? It has legs thrusters + on the back shot you can see two dark things after the last left and right "scale". These are thrusters. And like I said, the model isn't complete... I removed some parts, and some of then are helping with flight.

Author:  helldiver450 [ Thu Dec 16, 2010 3:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Freedom Project: Orbital Frame Apophis

Very interesting concept nonetheless.

I like the "scale flight control" mechanism. It's like a cluster of airbrakes and alerons that stabilize the frame in flight.

If this mech was real, surely it would be slower than Jehuty, but it would FAR surpass it in terms of manuverability and quick bursts of speed.

I really like this frame in technical terms and the fact that it combines all of my favorite anime designs in one mech. Very neat!

Try adding some concepts from Hathor to it. It would match your frame perfectly.

Author:  Mac[A] [ Thu Dec 16, 2010 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Freedom Project: Orbital Frame Apophis

If this mech was real, surely it would be slower than Jehuty, but it would FAR surpass it in terms of manuverability and quick bursts of speed.

Precisely! I'll explain this choice later in the story. Might very well end up as a fanfic lol, but what I want is simply give some background to my OF.

(Thanks for the name Scale Flight Control, sounds great, I'll use it XD)

Freedom Project is basically BAHRAM's resurrection. When Nohman took over BAHRAM, he forced everyone to join him, whether they agreed with him or not. Still, some of his opponents managed to escape. They were definitely against BAHRAM's new leader, but definitely determined to free Mars from Earth influence, that's why they didn't join UNSF.
They had to hide for a long time because of Nohman's growing influence. But after the 2nd runner's events, Nohman is no more. Thanks to that, all these people exhiled from BAHRAM where able to retake their place in the rebellion. During all these years, they were enable to get any supply to even start thinking about fighting back. But they still had their brains. And they were damn good.
Using some data stolen during their escape, they started a new project: Freedom Project. As its name implies, its main objective is to provide Mars with the means to free itself from Earth. The first result of the Project was Orbital Frame J...

... was Orbital Frame Jörmungandr. The Orbital Frame that started everything without even existing. Indeed, Orbital Frame Jömungandr was only a simulation running on computer. A virtual OF. Using that simulation, the researchers team was able to collect informations without having to build a true prototype. Obviously, such solution had its downside: It was very difficult to even try to simulate Metatron. Metatron is still a mystery, and its nature as what they called "the living ore" made it even harder to comprehend. Still, They had many data salvaged from Idolo so they simply applied their properties to Jörmungandr.
Using Anubis' training data, they were able to fully grasp Zero Shift. They were still unable to determine what causes Metatron corruption, but they had at least some clues on the subject. All these informations, useless without the ressources to exploit them, were finally used when the researchers team went back to BAHRAM after Nohman's death. That's how the new generation of Orbital Frame came to life. Project Aumaan was a failure because it had no competition. Aumaan was the only project targeting destruction. Freedom Project is the exact opposite. Competition, no, war is everywhere. From inside, from outside. To fight, progress is necessary. The twins need a little brother... CLASSIFIED

That's it for now!

Author:  bleant [ Thu Dec 16, 2010 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Freedom Project: Orbital Frame Apophis

I thought of the ultimate orbital frame, it would be called Ra(the egyptian god of sun)
it would be extremely powerful, and would be a match for various orbital frames at once.

Author:  Mac[A] [ Sat Dec 18, 2010 6:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Freedom Project: Orbital Frame Apophis

Yep Ra or Horus.

But don't worry, my OF is not the ultimate OF or anything. It's pretty much at the same level as Jehuty and Anubis.

Author:  helldiver450 [ Sat Dec 18, 2010 9:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Freedom Project: Orbital Frame Apophis

Well, I'd like to test the prototype incase I can let you know if any modification is needed.

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